Last Updated 1 of December, 2019


  1. What Is It For?

    1. Parties to This Policy.

      This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred as “the Policy”) defines the regulation of the relationship between Camdog Inc., incorporated under the laws of State of Delaware, USA, located at 2093 Philadelphia Pike 2076, Claymont, DE 19703 (including its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, and assignees) (“Camdog”, “we”, “us”, “our”) and you (“you”, “your”, “user”) regarding the use of your Personal information collected and processed during the operation of the Website, Application, and Services offered through the Website and Application, and your access to Account on the Website/Application and to Services.

      This Policy applies to every individual whose Personal information is collected by the Company through the Website and Application and other persons whose Personal information is lawfully disclosed to and processed by Camdog (“Data Subjects”).

    2. Purpose of This Policy.

      We want to simplify the understanding of this Policy for you and through that provide you with a possibility to understand in a very clear and accessible way what your exact Personal information we collect, use or process, why we do that, in which way we do that, what rights regarding your Personal information you have and what consequences of these actions are.

    3. Data Subject Age.

      Please note that our Services are designed for people at least 18 years old. Nonetheless, we understand that Data Subjects under 13 may be captured and their Personal information processed. In this case, we strongly advise you not to save and process Personal information of these individuals without the consent of the parents or legal guardian(s) of the child.

      We do not knowingly collect and process Personal information of minors. If you discover that User or Visitor of our Services, Website or Application stores, collects or processes personal information of children using our Services, Website or Application, please contact us on

  2. Definitions.

    Throughout this Policy we use the following definitions:

    • Account” means the personal account of User on the Website and Application, after registration of which User may receive the Services under the conditions specified in these Terms of Service.

    • Affirmative authorization” means an action that demonstrates the intentional decision by Data Subject to opt-in to the collection and processing of personal information.

    • Authorized agent” means a natural person or a business entity (its authorized representative) duly registered with the competent state authority that Data Subject has been authorized to act on behalf of.

    • Application” means a software installed from various app stores, accessed or otherwise used by you or your devices (mobile phones and tablets) through which you can access the Camdog Services.

    • Business purpose” means:

      • Provision of the Services that may include, but is not limited to, monitoring the object or space specified by User, creating and saving logs as to the movements detected and pictures of the moving subjects or objects, creating graphic images of moving subjects or objects, tracking the behavior of Visitor on the Website, etc.

      • Detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, and reacting to the implied break of security, privacy or data protection.

      • Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality.

      • Short-term, transient use, provided the personal information that is not disclosed to another third party and is not used to build a profile about Data Subject or otherwise alter an individual Data Subject’s experience outside the current interaction, including, but not limited to, the provision of the Services, operation of the Website and Application and other purposes that constitute Camdog’s legitimate interest.

      • Performing Services with or without third party analytics and statistics tools, including maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying customer information, processing payments, providing financing, providing advertising or marketing services, analytics, or providing similar functions aimed at provision of the Services, development of the Services, Website or Application, and other purposes that constitute Camdog’s legitimate interest.

      • Undertaking activities that improve, upgrade, or enhance the customer experience and ensure the smooth ordinary course of business.

    • Collects,” “collected,” or “collection” means buying, renting, gathering, obtaining, receiving, or accessing any Personal information pertaining to Data Subject by any means embodied in the Services, Website and Application. This includes receiving information from Data Subject, either actively or passively, or by observing Data Subjects’ behavior.

    • Commercial purposes” means to advance a person’s commercial or economic interests, such as by inducing another person to buy, rent, lease, join, subscribe to, provide, or exchange products, goods, property, information, or services, or enabling or affecting, directly or indirectly, a commercial transaction, except as the purpose of engaging in speech that state or federal courts have recognized as noncommercial speech, including political speech and journalism.

    • Personal information”, “Data” means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular Data Subject or household.

    • Website” means Camdog website located on, its subdomains through which Camdog Services are provided.

    • Third-party” means a person who is not Camdog, User or Visitor of the Camdog’s Services, Website or Application, but whose Personal information is collected and available to Camdog, its Users and Visitors, including natural persons detected using the Camdog’s Services, Website or Application as well as business partners providing statistics or analytics tools to be used for the Business purposes.

    • User” means any person or entity (its representative) who creates an Account in order to use Services.

    • Verifiable data subject (consumer) request” means a request that is made by Data subject, by Data Subject on behalf of Data Subject’s minor child, or by a natural person or a person registered with the competent state authority, authorized by Data Subject to act on their behalf, and that Camdog can reasonably verify by lawful means to be the Data Subject about whom the Company has collected Personal information.

    • Visitor” means a person surfing the Website or Application without the Account created and without the access to the Services obtained.

  3. What Personal Information Do We Collect?

    We collect Personal information to provide you with the Services. We do not collect it to sell or resell, either raw or processed, your Personal information to any third parties.

    The types of Personal information we collect and process include:

    • Account information, namely the information about you that we need in order to register and maintain your account: first name, second name, email address, mobile phone number, login, password required to enable you to pass the authorization and gain the access to our Services, account ID, account name;

    • Geolocation data: country, state, city, street, house number.

    • Technical information: Personal data preserved in the log, as well as your device model.

    • Third-party data: Personal information from the social network site (if you decide to create your Account based on your account in one of the social network sites);

    • Cookies data and other information generated through automated means: session cookies, stored cookies and other personal information prescribed by the Cookies Policy.

    • Other personal information: the information you provide us with when contacting us through the email address for inquiries, “Contact Us” feature, customer support tools in the Website and Application and other points of contact.

    Data subjects may:

    • request Camdog to disclose Personal information relating to them, namely: categories of personal information which Camdog has collected about Data Subjects; categories of sources from which Personal information is collected; purpose for collecting or processing of Personal information; categories of third parties with whom Camdog shares Personal information, if any; specific pieces of Personal information which Camdog has collected about the Data Subjects;

    • receive the information requested pursuant to Section 3(i) from Camdog upon the Data Subject’s verifiable request;

    • exercise other rights granted by the privacy, data protection and surveillance laws of the State of Delaware.

    We do not use the personal information we collect to make automated decisions or profiling.

    Please note that some information collected through the use of specific features of the Services, such as captured and saved images of people and their voices, may be considered personal information. In such a case, you shall consult the privacy, data protection and surveillance laws applicable to you and/or valid in the jurisdiction you are in, as we shall not be held liable for any violation of these laws (as prescribed by the Terms of Service).

  4. What Are the Purposes of Collecting?

    We use the collected Personal information for the following purposes:

    • provide you with our Services;

    • register, maintain and manage your Account and profile;

    • identify and authenticate you when you try to access your Account;

    • ensure the smooth and enhanced experience with our Services, Application and Website;

    • process your payments and orders for our Services;

    • enable you to receive notifications and information related to the Services;

    • ensure safety and security of our Services and prevent the misuse and abuse of the Services, Website and Application;

    • customer support and communication with Data Subjects;

    • allow the usage of third-party services (such as social network sites) and products (such as devices and other hardware you need to run our Website and Application);

    • perform analytics and collect statistical data;

    • develop, enhance, update and manage our Services, Website and Application as well as other products and services we design and develop to offer you in course of business;

    • protect you against fraud and other crimes as well as claims and other kinds of legal liability;

    • comply with applicable laws, legal requirements, relevant industry standards and policies, including our Cookies Policy and Terms of Service.

    If we obtain your personal data in any other way, we will provide you with a specific notice at the time of collection, and obtain your consent, if required by applicable law.

    To find out more about third-party data analytics platforms, you shall visit our Cookies Policy.

    You may encounter the links to third party sites on our Website or Application. Please be careful when entrusting them with your Personal information. These websites and suggested applications are governed by their own privacy policies. We strongly advise you to look through their privacy policies prior to any transactions or activity on such third-party websites or applications.

  5. Whom May We Disclose Personal Information Data to?

    We do not cooperate with any authorities responsible for your safety such as police, ambulance, etc. Please note that any Personal information we collect and process is either retained for the purposes explained above or is deleted after the expiry of the retention period, under the newly adopted or amended law, pursuant to your request or request from the law enforcement bodies.

    We may disclose some of your personal data to third-party analytics systems and payment processors. The extent of such disclosure will depend on the privacy policies adopted by such third parties, so we strongly advise you to consult with them prior to commencing payment or opting-in or opting-out of the tracking.

    Also, we may share your Personal information with our affiliates and subsidiaries, as well as authorized representatives and contractors, if any. We bind the contractual promises not to use your Personal data for the purposes exceeding what is necessary to perform services on our behalf or comply with legal requirements.

    We reserve the right to transfer any Personal information we have about you in the event we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or assets (including in the event of a merger, acquisition, joint venture, reorganization, divestiture, dissolution or liquidation).

    We may be obliged to disclose certain information to the law enforcement services, courts, and state authorities. We do so in order to:

    • comply with the law or legal process (such as a court order or subpoena);

    • establish, exercise or defend our legal rights;

    • prevent physical or other harm or financial loss;

    • in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity; or

    • otherwise, provided that you give your consent.

    We do include the means of control and appropriate warranties to the agreements and contracts with our subprocessors and partners granted access to your Personal information.

    Among third parties who may receive your personal information through our Services, Website or Application, the following categories of our contractors may be present:

    • payment processors;

    • cloud services providers;

    • marketing and advertising platform providers;

    • data analytics providers;

    • development services suppliers;

    • vendors assisting us in enhancement of the safety and security of our Website, Application or Services;

    • auditors, accountants, lawyers, and other professional service providers.

  6. How Can You Exercise Your Rights?

    Data Subjects can exercise any and all of the rights aforementioned by sending a verifiable request to one of the following means of communication:

    We will provide you with the requested information free of charge only upon a verifiable request but not more than twice per 12 months period. We will try to do so no longer than within 45 days of receiving a verifiable consumer request. In case your request is too complicated or detailed, we reserve the right to extend this time period once by an additional 45 days when reasonably necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of requests. We will notify you of such an extension. Still, we reserve the right to charge you with a US $100 (one hundred dollars) fee for its requests that are manifestly unfounded or excessive, in particular, because of their repetitive character or refuse to act on the request and notify you of the reason for refusing the request.

    Camdog is not obliged to:

    • retain any Personal information collected for a single transaction if, in the ordinary course, such information about Data Subjects is not retained;

    • re-identify or otherwise link any data that, in the ordinary course, is not maintained in a manner that would be considered personal information.

    Camdog is not obligated to provide a person with information pursuant to their requests if we cannot verify that the person making the request is Data Subject about whom we have collected information, or is a person authorized by you to act on your behalf. In order to verify that the person in question is, in fact, you, we may ask you:

    • to provide the authorized agent with written permission to do so or equip the agent with a valid power of attorney; and

    • to verify your own identity directly with us.

  7. How Do We Protect Your Personal Information?

    We store Personal information in the United States of America. We use service cloud providers registered and located within the U.S. and prefer servers placed in the U.S. region.

    Our cloud storage provider is Google Inc.

    We also implement suitable security measures to protect privacy and increase the level of safety and security of Personal information we collect and use to provide you with the Services and proper operation of the Website and Application.

    Some of your Data may be accessed and processed by the contractors registered outside the U.S. Nevertheless, we implement the appropriate organizational and technical measures to ensure at least the same level of personal information protection as it is granted by the laws we must obey.

  8. How Long Do We Retain Your Data?

    We will store and process Personal information for as long as your account is activated or the contract is valid and until the end of the retention period required by the applicable laws (i.e. for tax administration purposes) or after the deletion of your Account if its storage is justified by legal obligation or our own legitimate interest to do so (e.g. your Account has been previously noticed or suspected in participation in the fraudulent schemes or any other illegal activity, or an unsettled or unresolved legal claim is present). We will delete Personal Information as soon as any legal grounds for retention will cease to exist.

    We will delete Personal information from our databases, and we will request our processors to delete Personal information, too, upon your request for deletion of Account via the Website or Application functions or by verified request at our email address.

  9. Updates to Privacy Policy

    We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. In case of any major changes, we will notify you; if the collection of Personal information is repurposed or any other grounds for seeking your authorization to process your personal information arise, we will ask you for your consent to do so.

    We encourage you to periodically review this Policy for the latest information on our privacy and data protection practices.

    If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, our Cookies Policy or any other inquiries, or if you would like us to update information we have about you, change your preferences or exercise other applicable data protection rights, please contact us by e-mail at or write to us at:

    Camdog Inc.


    Claymont 19703, Delaware

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