CAMDOG ® .AI - for Home use

Are you a home user? Our solutions are designed specifically for you!

Do you have your own house/apartment/garage/land?

Do you care about your safety, the safety of your children, relatives and friends?

We will facilitate all your security tasks.

Look at our case studies and see how well we can protect you!

Taking control of personal home security with our system gives you peace of mind.

Your stored data can help you prevent crime or help the police quickly find the criminal.

Human detection. You can select a specific area around your property and set up a virtual perimeter for protection.

Any person who gets into the protection zone will instantly be recorded and you will immediately receive a notification by phone/email/internet or messenger informing you someone entered an area you designated as restricted.

You can see the whole story. Everything is recorded by our CAMDOG ® software.

Thieves. Of course, everyone knows these “brave” guys. They look for the easiest thing to steal and the easiest way to steal it.

Highlight your front door. CAMDOG ® monitors it 24/7. Anyone who enters that area will be photographed and you will have a record of their intrusion onto your property.

Feel free to call the police and send them a photo to give them a head start on apprehending the intruder.

At the parking. Have you recently bought a car? You love it and take good care of it.

Highlight the area in front of your garage. CAMDOG ® will guard it and keep a record of what goes on there.

There will always be someone who wants to have "too much fun" at your expense.

You may have already encountered these types. What they don’t know is that CAMDOG ® is watching them.

We’ll photograph them for you. Feel free to call the police and send them a photo to start the investigation.

Suspicious activity. Unfortunately, the threat of terrorist attacks is currently very high. They try to do us harm quietly, imperceptibly and unexpectedly.

We do what we can to protect ourselves, but it may not be enough!

Highlight the areas around your house. We will record any suspicious activity and alert you.

Our advanced, deep learning algorithms do not pay attention to simple passersby. Only to those who show certain characteristics that could indicate danger to your home!

Is your home being watched? The neighbors tell you there was a suspicious car near your home in the afternoon.

No problem. Indicate the area and let the CAMDOG ® system take photos of all the cars which come into the area. It will show you the type of car, make, model and most likely a license plate number. If you have any doubt about your safety, call the police and show them the photos.

We save you a lot of time

The equipment makes the video… you only access the portions you need

Do you already have a video surveillance system? You may be familiar with the situation where you need to find a segment out of a 24-hour or 7-day record. You have already tried to search for a person who scratched your car. Your frustration mounts as you go through hundreds of hours of recordings.

Forget it! We do it all for you! Join us and you will see only the segments you need!

Check out our case studies for business!

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